News Articles

August 6, 2020

The Connected Cloud -- August 2020 [Show All]


THE Connected CLOUD

News, Feature Updates, Webinars, Events & Resources

August 2020

Self-Driven Health/Hazard Approvals - Safe Passage Module

Valuable new service offering for your customers - A great tool for getting back to work

The Safe Passage Module provides a framework for a one-time/periodic self-approval process. If required and not completed, upon access by the individual, violation events are generated so a manager can ensure the user is safe to be at the site in regard to health and/or hazard concerns. Documentation is stored with the user account showing they have answered the proper questions and approved any company terms such as an NDA.

An administrator may create multiple safe passage templates. They may specify a name, description, re-approval interval, required checkpoint(s), protected area(s), custom messages, and custom terms which need to be answered properly to be approved. When a user is applied to the template, they may be applied to multiple templates via their profile, they will receive an email which contains a link for them to complete the terms of the template.

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Mobile Badge Example


In/Out Dashboard includes People Counts

The In/Out Dashboard is a great tool to track where people are in the facilities and also now shows a count of total people in each area.  The dashboard has many uses including a live muster report in the case of an emergency.

Mass Notification with the Emergency Messaging Hub

The Emergency Messaging Hub provides a unified feed of emergency messages from multiple systems for an associated site. It works by receiving Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) messages from Mass Notification and other Emergency Response platforms and by translating device native events to the CAP format. All CAP messages are published to the hub for all external services such as Mass Notification Systems to consume in a single atom feed.

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Did You Know? Custom Event Response Procedures

The Case Management Module, previously called Ticket Module, provides a streamlined method for custom event responses. In an example of critical environmental monitoring, a freezer alarm generated because of deviation from preset thresholds or inoperability notifies responsible parties via email or text message. A case is automatically created and the process follows preset rules on who to notify. The primary person responsible indicates whether or not they are handling the situation; if they are unable their response automatically pushes the notification to the next person in the queue. This avoids multiple parties showing up to handle the issue, or not having anyone handle it at all. The successful completion of service or next steps are also documented until the case is closed.

Now the Case Management module has a nominal one-time cost per customer account, previously the module had an associated cost per customer site location.  For the latest up-to-date pricing check the Connect ONE Price Guide available on the Home tab of the Dealer Site.

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Tip: Use SmartShow Virtual Accounts for Sales Demos

It's simple to use the industry's first tailored virtual demonstration, dealers can target specific markets - including Residential; Medical Facilities; Food Service Industries; Education; Commercial and Multi-Tenant; and Banking and Financial Facilities. Prospects will know you have the capabilities they need in an instant with SmartShow. We recommend you checkout the tutorial in the Dealer Manual and/or watch the video from the Home tab on the Dealer Site on how to create your free SmartShow virtual accounts, no hardware is required.  Contact us to learn more.

Give Us the Challenge...

We love hearing from our Dealers with requests from their customers to help solve challenges.

Please contact us and give us the challenge, we may be able to design something for you, and together we can watch your company reach the potential you always knew was possible.

Click here to send us your feedback


Stay Up-to-Date

We will continue to include the enhancements in this newsletter.

We also post the enhancements to our "Company" page and "Group" page on LinkedIn, as well as to the "Feature Blog" tab on our website.
Please contact us for your invitation to join the "Group" in LinkedIn.

Also, be sure to review the Home tab on the Connect ONE Dealer Site as this will contain many helpful Sales Sheets and Technical Guides.

We encourage you visit these sites to stay up-to-date.

Working hard to Simplify all your System Integrations,
The Staff at Connected Technologies.

 For more information regarding Connected Technologies or Connect ONE\AE, please visit or call (866) 976-3520.

Connected Technologies, llc., Monument, CO  80132-1266