Feature Blog

March 8, 2022

Usability Improvements [Show All]

Customer Management Portal

  • Monitor: The Monitor screens have been revamped with an updated Card style which supports up to 2-columns of information for status and control. Since more items can fit on the screen at one time, this reduces scrolling to find the information necessary. The original List layout may be toggled at the bottom of the results.
  • Commands / Connection: The system commands status has been improved to show more information about the current state of the connection to the system(s) of which commands are waiting or processing.
  • Filter Results By Site/Area: The Filter Results option has been enhanced to allow quicker access to Sites by reducing the associated Site Areas list with an option to expand or collapse the area options.
  • Site Occupancy Report: This report has been enhanced to include an occupancy utilization percentage of the associated Site. The percentage is derived by the number of users who accessed the site vs the number of users programmed into the system. To improve accuracy, the user count is based upon a person not the number of codes that person may have in the system.

Dealer Administrative Portal & System Updates

  • Pending Commands Improved: The Device->Pending Commands now provides enhanced messaging to easier understand the current connection status to the device.
  • DMP XR Series Lockdown Mode: When the DMP lockdown mode is initiated or reset via the keypad or by zone input change, for example - panic button activation, the mode change will propagate to Connect ONE to show the current lockdown status on the appropriate screens. This will provide an at-a-glance view of which systems are currently in lockdown mode.
  • Bosch B3512,B4512,B5512 Skeds Supported: Skeds are now supported for editing in the B series panels with firmware 3.09 or greater.
  • TIP: Check the Configuration page for the Device as it includes recommended programming for the particular product and firmware version.